BB123 - Glitchy Melodies (Get in here!)


BB123 - Glitchy Melodies (Zip Pack at bottom)

So I’m not so great at creating an atmosphere but here we go. This isn’t limiting in regards to what you make but hopefully more an idea to get you started.

Imagine traveling down a highway before dawn but something isn’t right. Yyour eyes close and then reopen. Now you’re sitting, watching TV of you driving down the highway. However, each time you close your eyes, mind you, you may be staring for quite some time, something new happens to the signal. Flutter of the station, the tracking goes out of tune, artifacts appear through the speakers and on to the screen. But as everything starts to become too much, you pull over. The sun is rising now and a calmness comes over you.

I quickly played up some stuffs and added in some extra random sounds for more variations. Bounced them down to audio. The Random and Some of the keys are 1 track but separated by if chord or just melody, etc. So don’t just stop at the beginning section.

So Rules…

1 - You must use something from each track, whether it be a singular sound or a section edited out, etc etc. Can even be so minimal it’s a cycle of a wavelength. It doesn’t have to be recognizable what so ever.

2 - You’re allowed to use 1 instance of a drum machine, sampler or synth to use developing your sound or song into something more outside of in the lane editing.

3 - You aren’t limited to making a drum-based track, this can be ambienty, soundscape-like.

4 - Length not to exceed 3min or thereabout. Any length is fine but making accessible to people that may just want to vote, is neat as well. Liking the shorter rule, for sure.

Have fun.

Deadlines :
Submissions must be posted by 12AM US CST on Sunday Jan 24th.

Voting ends at 9AM CST on Tuesday Janurary 26th.

Beat Battle General Rules:

Beat Battles take place over the course of two weeks. The first ten days users will have to arrange, upload, and post their track to this forum. After this, the next three days users cast their votes for their favorite track. At the end of this, the winner will be announced, and they will then become the next Beat Battle host, and will have one day to construct a battle pack and begin the next Beat Battle.

Unless otherwise stated, the only sample/audio sources you may use for your song must come from the battle pack.

In the event of a tie, the battle host will decide the winner

**** in the event of winning the battle, the winner of the beat battle may be asked to make their track available for archive and also to hold onto to the project file of said “winning” track for in the event that it is to be considered for a best of the beat battles release ****

MIDI NOTES - G B D C# A F# Some notes to get you started with stuff.




  • Faintbrush
  • 7asid

0 voters


I also added a comment into my submission:

Join the Community @ BB123 - Glitchy Melodies (Get in here!)

To see if anyone gets pulled from Soundcloud(probably not but an effort).

My submission:


“Send us your music that we won’t use so we can sell it in a third world country”


I was bummed not to be able to do the one with the mickey mouse cartoon. just too much work atm


Just clarifying, does rule #2 mean I can use something that isn’t one of the samples?


You’re allowed to use 1 instance of a drum machine, sampler or synth.


Everything else is in the lane editing of clips, etc.


Rightio, I reckons I understand. Back to the drawing board right there.


Deadline is coming up. If you guys want, we can extend the time to include this or start a new BB, with this being a constraint version dedicated community project in your AAWM /QAWM works.

I know a few people have at least gandered at the files, would you guys be interested in that? Possibly correlating the two ideas for a few weeks, at least?

I don’t want this to die but I don’t want people with limited time to ignore in terms of QAWM either. I can also add more/samples to alleviate a dead zone, in those terms.


This was a fun one!

Made this track only with lane editing and effects, no added sampler or synth. The rules forced me my out of normal workflow, I am so used to working with midi/samplers, it was a good challenge to try to make a track just using audio clips.


If others are working on tracks but could use a little more time, it’s cool with me to extend the deadline.

I also really like the idea of doing something to make it easy for folks who want to work on AAWM to also do the next couple BBs. It’s already a pretty small crowd for these, i wonder if there might be more participation if the BB challenges are somehow related or support AAWM? Maybe worth discussing more in the other thread?


I’m fine with extending. And yes, these can obviously be towards projects for QAWM. My samples were pulled from my own stuffs so they’re fine to be used outside of fucking around.



So do we have any other subs?

I’m going to push the deadline to Sunday 31st @ 12am CST.

My track will be in the mix but I’m not submitting for voting. And I’m glad you guys enjoyed the project as well.

Also, for anyone looking to use for FAWM, the samples were all a quick project I played out in instruments and grabbed a few samples I made otherwise, previously for random sounds. Just mentioning, in case anyone wants to use here and/or there, for a jump start that is.


Sorry guys, I’m terrible at this follow through stuffs.

Poll is up for faintbrush and 7asid submissions.


@7asid won.

On to the next one. Fun tracks from both you guys.