The how do I make this sound thread


I agree


i think failed pop artists could successfully sue evelon for this


I blame seamlessr for puyting evelon into retirement…


fuck sake seamlessr!!! you ruined music!


Nah he helped fill in the obvious…even though it wa a bit of a mindsplosion…it allowed every1 to be able to fsu in the music game…putting evelon at ease by helping noobs with making phat basses…allowing every1 to evelon now…thereby lifting a weight off of evelons shoulders…


relix, thanks for sharing,


yea i felt bad for him in a way. he must have loved it though, or just felt obligated.
what happened anyway? did he tell people to leave evelon the fuck alone? :smiley:


no seamr stepped in to help evelon and to free evelon from the basspit so that evelon could evelon other things that needed eveloning…

either that or they shared the arcane knowledge of the old ones contained in the records of akasha…to help humanity into new era

in other words I think they just shared their knowledge with others so that people could make more interesting music to listen to…

I’ve tried to evelon, too but im too much of a dick…


eveloning is hard man! you need patience, skills AND empfy, empfry, ERRRR i cant say it! “empathy”. there!


Hi, just found this forum and this great thread. love it.
I have a sound I have been searching for some time and hopefully you guys can help me out or point me in the right direction. I’m not allowed to post links, but the sound in question is in the track “Lumen” by “Throwing snow”, the one that starts coming in at 0.40 and then starts to bounce around (very pronounced at 1.07-1.20). What is going on there? what parametres does the moving come from? any ideas of how I might go about reproducing it or achieving a similar effect on one of my machines? (or if not in ableton). Machines are: Korg minilogue, Korg monoogue, arturia microfreak & waldorf blefeld. Thanks a bunch!


Simple noise. You cant recreate it exactly. Only try. Add delays and reverb to your synth and try do the best.Experiment.But if you’re not a synth wizard.


if its the sound i think, that movement is coming from pitch glides. probably some form of portamento/glide.


He’s a loop fiend! Cool idea but does that guy use synthesizers at all? :astonished:


how to make this type of bass

Is it FM or wavetable, i can understand there’s some filter automation on top and probably two similar bass sounds layered - one for bottom layer , and upper one with more accentuated filter movement ?
Or my imagination is working too hard and this is 808 ( or sine ) + parallel distortion + filter automation


Sounds like a pretty standard wavetable neurobass played legato - where the envelope doesn’t retrigger if you play the next note before you let off the current one. Yeah, separate sub layer, probably a sine or triangle.

I’m no expert on this kind of sound, but it sounds like the wavetable warp paramater being used in Serum, or the equivalent of that in whatever you use, rather than the filter. Like, it could be a triangle waveshaped or something, but that’s too harmonically rich in movement to be just filter automation. So to me it sounds like there’s an envelope changing the warp parameter on a wavetable warp, and that envelope is not retriggering on every note because it’s legato. There might be a slight pitch envelope on it too, I can hear the sub moving around when the envelopes retrigger.


hey, White_Noise, thank you for your insight and taking time to reply!
Will experiment with your suggested ideas! :slight_smile:


So if I wanted to make something sound like it was the audio from an old 1950’s school film strip would I be going in the right direction to use some bandpass filters (not sure if any resonance or not, I feel like not) and then some noise and tape damage? I’ll have to work on my old time-y mid atlantic accent LOL.


This sounds like a job for Virtual Tape Machines or some other killer tape emulation


I have U-he Satin so I will give that a shot. I thought I might approach it the old fashioned way lol.


you’re on the right track.

BPF will get you there, and depending on what youre doing it with you could use a slow LFO to subtly modulate the pitch AND if you can use another slow LFO to modulate the first LFO’s time so its inconsistent. this would get you that shitty tape machine motor vibe.