Stupid idea for sound design (compressor experiment)


me experimenting with fsuing something with compression


bfk i have Notepead++ too :grin::grin::grin::grin:


Lol that’s a funny coincidence.


There’s really no dumb version of sound design, it’s kind of a huge chain of refining and revising until you’re happy with the results. My design projects are extremely messy and dumb-looking, but if I’m happy with the end result then it’s not dumb at all.

Sometimes it’s also fun to just get lost in a clusterfuck. I’ll run voltage modular into VCV FX, out to OSCiLLOT FX, out through byome and then wavehammer or paulstretch the shit out of it later. Sometimes the journey is the fun part and it turns out like ass, too. It’s still fun.

Also, I think you mentioned harmor at one point and that resynthesis engine is the shit


interesting results.
i can play for hours doing things like this. then realise ive made no music whatsoever :joy: