Look what the cat dragged in

My name’s Mike, I’m co-founder of the Point Source Electronic Arts label and community. I’ve been making electronic music of one form or another since 1994. I was part of the early Tympanik Audio lineup and did a lot of work for them in those days. Since then I have continued to record as Unterm Rad, and started Point Source back in 2020, still going strong 40 releases later.

Anyway, I’m always down to talk shop, trade tips and tricks, or listen and share music. Thanks for having me here.


Welcome back Mike!

Mike had a track on the IFI001: Divergence (as Unterm Rad) back in 2009 and was part of the community with us back then.


Was actually just talking to @ReWIR3D about re-instating that on the web.

Glad you stopped by. I’ve elevated your user level so feel free to post links n music.


Welcome back! Good to see some old faces still popping in

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hello & welcome :scream_cat:

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Pleased to meet you Mike :v: :sunglasses: :wave:

Welcome back!

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