The token IDM thread


Sounds awesome. I know this dude has done a ton of big time movie trailers (Prometheus, Interstellar, Star Wars). First heard about him on this hilarious podcast with Matt Lange where they spend an hour and a half pouring a couple of cases of Budweiser down the drain:


For some reason I recall Lange being an idmfer…things that make you go huh


He certainly was. He mastered at least the first half dozen IDMf label releases and appeared on a bunch of them too (as “Altered Tensions”).


Been listening to a lot of Ruby My Dear lately. Dude is so fluid.


get this
episode 2 is out
absolute underground superstar

IDM still hype I heard
get on the train quick


It’s not new anymore, but does Jon Hopkins count?


Man from sol…
Basically The glitch with friends comp


Mindwaves music testing the water after 4 years of silence. They just released this compilation of pure IDM experimentalism and its eventual pussytronics knob fiddling. It’s available as a name-your-price release till the 15th

personal pick : rasmus meinert and rasmus fisker’s tracks, two artists I’ve never heard of, are both good compositions, meinert’s has a electroacoustic vibe that I dig, and fisker’s is full of creative rhythmic ideas. Sofus Forsberg is on there too, I’d love to hear from him more often. WHRK’s detuned pads as an interlude like a gateway drug to his spastic cutup idm

check it out guize