To What Do You Owe Your Happiness Today?


Kinda need the detail in a language I can understand but it does look good.


@Roo_Stercogburn how did your chili paste/sauce turn out?

Got to go to my partner’s aunt’s bougie in-ground, “salt water” pool yesterday. They have a gas well on their land and get to heat it for free. Its so fucking nice. Managed to mostly not get any sun burn.


It is goooooooooooooood.


Very nice! I like that you took the time to strain it. Whenever I use chili oil at an Asian restaurant around here they never do that and you’ll get a seed or piece of pepper then its all over lol then I need milk.


I havent talked about/spam posting politics and social issues on idmf for about a week.

Trying to abstain and be stoic about it all.

Perhaps i should read some stoic philosophy by marcus aurelius, seneca and epictetus.


Today I might have made the best chilli I’ve ever made. Did some music too.

But the chilli ooooh.


It has been far too long and also a long time coming… being able to dance and totally be my full and total shelf among people who accept all kinds. 39 and still funky af on the dance floor.


Always be true to your shelf.


lol shelves are an important part of our lives. Gotta dust 'em off once in a while.


Damn I thought that was homemade jenkem at first. Goes to show where my mind is at :roll_eyes:




I work with the best people I have ever known.

Balanced audio. Today I received a Topping D10 balanced and necessary cables and I am now listening to Orbital 30 Something.


Got tickets to Wu-Tang and Nas as well as The Get Up Kids and Sparta a week after.


Wu tang and nas dayumn east coast…


Sound types I worshipped a decade ago I’m making in passing as background stuff.

Doesn’t mean my music is good. Just means, you know, some sounds.


Made some music I like over the last few days. Looking forward to the Morning After test.


I love that every music thing I make is the best thing I have ever done.

I love even more that I know to stfu cos next morning my head will hang so low it could be used as a sonar sweep. :rofl:

Pretty confident everyone here knows the above intimately and scarily.

So anyway, just done one of those. Shortly I may stop boogying in my chair.


After changing major parts of my diabetes treatment in July, I went for my first lab test to see how I’m actually doing with the new treatment. My hemaglobin A1c, which was 8.9% in July, the worst I’ve ever been, has now dropped to 6.5%, the best I’ve ever been by a pretty good margin. For the first time in a long time, I’m looking forward to seeing my doctor in a few weeks. I’ve been declared kidney stone free, that weird bruise on my side was finally diagnosed yesterday and I start treatment for that and some other skin spots on monday (just an ointment, not surgery as I’d feared). Feels like this year is finally turning around.


Watching Babylon 5 with my dad.


Got a vasectomy three months back, and had to do a sperm count test yesterday. The results are in. I am officially sterile!!

Woooo!!! :star_struck:

It cost me 50 bucks with insurance and takes 20 min, if anybody’s interested.