The Off-Topic Thread


Smokes need to be gotten


Mad max beyond thunderdome
And the recent mad max epic…


Right so i was going to see deadmau5 i bought tickets and everything…

But the travel logistics fell apart. And im not going.

Oh wells.

I feel too old to rave anyways…lol


Never too old to rave! I had to miss The Chats when I had friggen tickets a few months ago cus I had to work meh. Cool part was it was my last shift and then on to my new jerb.


I don’t get out to live shows ever, I do like The Chats though. It would be tempting.


Shit i find on the internet

The philly cheeseblunt


hey i apologize for the random post, however i am getting my ducks in a row & i am looking an extremely Honest response & perspective. If i harmed any of you- anyone at all. any tiny minute pinprick of a fraction of another person on here and you genuinely feel offended or insulted by me in ANY way. i ask you to voice this now. and if you can’t because you are busy in your life please, PLEASE tell me at a later date. all i am asking is if i did anything at all that was negative towards you directly , towards the netlabel, or to the user base upon idmf as a collective. if ANY stone has yet to be unturned. all i am asking is that you please consider telling me directly and publicly so that we can ALL weigh in. i am not here to stay i have a shit ton of errors in my life and i honestly feel i have gravely disrespected this community of pure beauty energy. i am sorry i am REALLY sorry. i beat myself up alot over this. but if there is ANYTHING you need to say to me or to the netlabel in regards to me if i wronged something please speak now. and if you can-t-- message me on tiktok or @ savesapertrude on instagram. i would rather stay anonymous on instagram but i understand that if you are going to live, you have to live whole. i do not intend on returning to idmf until i figure my life out and stabalize. and again- i apologize to anyone for all reasons if i have created any instance of negativity between me and anything attached to this netlabel. you know where to find me. and i really hope you consider an open mic on this one. i just wanna do what’s right. i do not care if i destroy myself. i just want it done. thank you idmf for being a home i never had. and THANK YOU to any user reading this thread. idmf is one of the most beautiful things to ever exist & i am HONORED to be a part of this journey. Thank you all. & a heads up- i hate myself for forgetting this, but i’m only human… i WILL be back for my ep. i trust only idmf on my music. thanks for every decision you ever made that led you to this thread. be good to yourself & your family. love you all. (&sorry) —4mp // 0xy <3


Thanks for stopping by @dj0xygen

No need to apologize for anything, I’m pretty sure everyone here is cool. Welcome back anytime :slight_smile:


Beth Gibbons is back!!


i got myself into a situation. a hot girl. i know, i know it sounds BAD. i know… how do i not lose myself & ruin the relationship>? i’m only asking cuz you are the ONLY ppl i trust


bfk this is disgusting. what is your excuse?


Random image from google